Doctor Europaeus label

The Doctor Europaeus label, introduced by the Confederation of Rectors’ Conferences of the European Union in 1992, can be awarded in compliance with four conditions:

  1. admission to the thesis defense based on the reports issued by by at least two referees, belonging to different universities of two EU Member States other than the one where the PhD student is enrolled;
  2. the Committee for the thesis defense must be composed by at least one professor from a university of a EU Member State other than the one where the PhD student is enrolled;
  3. part of the dissertation defence must be conducted in a European language other than the national language of the country where the PhD student is enrolled;
  4. the PhD student must have spent a period of study and research abroad (at least three months) in a EU Member State other than the one where he/she is enrolled.

The award of the Doctor Europaeus label must be requested, after the end of the third year, while entering the application for the final exam in the PhD students’ Personal Area. The PhD student is in charge of ensuring that he/she complies with the four requirements listed above, also in cooperation with the Coordinator of the PhD program (for requirements n.1 and 2) and with the Committee for the thesis defense (for requirement n.3).
Upon verification of compliance with the requirements, the label will be attributed and certified to the PhD graduate upon request.