
Certificates can be requested only by e-mail attaching a copy of a valid identity document and specifying the following details:

• Name and surname
• Place and date of birth
• Telephone number
• Name of the PhD course
• Language of the certificate (Italian, English, French)
• Type of certificate
• Destination of the certificate (Italy or abroad)
• Number of copies requested.

The student must also specify whether he/she is willing to personally collect the certificate at the PhD office or he/she needs to receive it by post.

Types of certificate available:

• Enrollment in the PhD course
• Enrollment in the PhD course with/without scholarship
• Final exam and PhD degree attainment
• 50% increase of the scholarship for research period abroad
• Participation to the PhD competition or admission in the PhD course
• Suspension of the PhD course/scholarship
• Other certificates upon request.

Please note that certificates cannot be submitted to Italian public administrations. In this case, students have to provide self-declarations (see https://www-urp.unipv.it/certificati-autocertificazioni-e-controlli/, in Italian only).

The PhD office doesn’t issue certificates regarding the exams taken during the PhD course (refer to the PhD course Director).


Certificates collection

The certificates need 2-3 working days to be prepared.
In case the student is willing to collect the document at the PhD office, he/she will have to bring with him/her a 16 € duty stamp (marca da bollo) for each certificate or copy requested. The certificates can also be collected by an appointee by proxy.
If the student needs to receive the certificates by post to his/her home address, the PhD office will calculate the amount of money requested for the duty stamp(s) and the shipping, and will ask the student to make a bank transfer.

IMPORTANT: students who make bank transfers from outside EU must pay attention to select, in the field of the bank operation costs, the OUR code and not the SHARE one. If the SHARE code is selected, the payment will be incomplete and we will have to ask you to integrate the missing amount by making a second bank transfer.

The student will have to send to the PhD office by e-mail the payment receipt. Then, the Oofice will send the certificate to the address provided by the student.
ATTENTION: don’t transfer money before having been informed by the PhD office on the exact amount to pay.


Information and certificates requests

Lorenza Andreoli – lorenza.andreoli@unipv.it – tel. +39 0382 985984
Virginie Gallati – virginie.gallati@unipv.it  – tel. +39 0382 985983


Useful links

Information on certificates and self-declaration: https://www-urp.unipv.it/certificati-autocertificazioni-e-controlli/