If you are planning to spend a research period abroad, this is what you need to do:
ASK THE ACADEMIC BOARD FOR AUTHORIZATION. This must be done before your departure.
After having been authorized and before leaving, you must open a ticket in the SOS portal (https://jira.unipv.it/servicedesk/customer/portal/67) selecting “International mobility” and then, in the drop-down menu, “50% increase of the scholarship”.
IMPORTANT: the English version of the SOS portal must be selected by accessing the top-right menu > profilo > modifica profilo > select “English” in the “lingua” drop-down menu.
Any requests submitted via other means than the SOS portal will be discarded.
The following documents must be attached to the request:
- filled form;
- Copy of the authorization of the PhD Academic Board;
- Copy of a valid ID;
- Signed declaration of risk assumption and disclaimer.
- Subject of the email: Request for increase of the scholarship_Name_Surmame
Additional obligations for PNRR doctoral fellowship holders ex MM.DD. 351-352/2022, 117-118/2023 and 629-630/2024: prior to departure, it is required to sign, for both locations involved, a “Hosting commitment” whose signature is the responsibility of the Director of the afferent Dipatiment. Make contact with the PhD office to fill out the agreement.
- Hosting Committment MD 351-352 (38° cycle)
- Hosting Committment MD 117-118 (39° cycle)
- Hosting Committment MD 629-630 (40° cycle)
DURATION. Minimum duration is 7 days, maximum is 12 months (18 months in case of jointly-supervised PhD program). If the doctoral student decides to spend more time abroad, the additional months will not be covered by the increased of the scholarship.
PAYMENTS. The 50% increase is paid as a lump sum (twice for long periods) and generally related with the payment of the scholarship.
REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES. Please note that during the period of the foreign stay for which you benefit from the increase of the scholarship, you can be reimbursed for travel and accomodation expenses incurred. Ph.D. students assigned to carry out activities in the interest of the University and included in specific research programs are eligible for mission assignments. For expenses related to mobility, national and international, attributable to the ordinary training and research activities of doctoral students, it is not configurable a mission assignment but a reimbursement of expenses. In order to facilitate the reimbursement modalities, a special “TIPO RICHIESTA” – RIMBORSO SPESE MOBILITA’ DOTTORANDI has been provided to be used in association with the TES – Regolamento di Ateneo – within UwebMissioni website. For further details, please refer to the Regolamento missioni (italian only).
ERASMUS SCHOLARSHIP COMPATIBILITY. From the academic year 2021/2022 doctoral students can also receive Erasmus scholarship, however, for doctoral students holding scholarship on PNRR funds this possibility is to be ruled out due to problems of double funding of expenditure.
It is advisable to check the health and safety conditions of the destination country on the Viaggiare Sicuri webpage