Esiti concorsi di ammissione ai corsi di dottorato XXXVII ciclo – borse PON D.M. 1061 – Final results of PhD selection XXXVII cycle – PON D.M. 1061

Le graduatorie sono visualizzabili all’Albo ufficiale di Ateneo ( e in Area Riservata di ciascun candidato ( a partire dal 23/11/2021.

TEMPISTICHE PER LE IMMATRICOLAZIONI: dal 24/11/2021 al 28/11/2021


The complete ranking list is available at the University noticeboard from November, 23 2021. Candidates can also view their positions in their Personal Area (Home> Admissions> Admission tests).

Candidates “ADMITTED” are admitted in the PhD program with scholarship, candidates “QUALIFIED BUT NOT ADMITTED” cannot enroll in the PhD program, unless one of the “admitted” candidates gives up his/her position: in this case, the following candidate will be informed by the PhD office.