Professor involved: Jannick Ingrin
Course learning outcomes/abstract: in the last 20 years, the relationship between scientists and scientific publications has changed dramatically. The raise of Open Access has not only modified the traditional involvement of libraries, research institutions or funding agencies; it has also put authors at the heart of the decision-making process, thus adding responsibilities. The objective of this seminar is to generally introduce you to the world of scientific publications. Provide you with information to help you to build your own opinion on Open Access and the various publishing models. Through concrete examples and data, you leave the seminar empowered to make informed choices and decisions. As the next generation of authors and scientists, it is your responsibility to decide on the future of the publishing systems. You have the power to choose how and where to publish: used it wisely!
Goals:the objective of this seminar is to generally introduce you to the world of scientific publications. Provide you with information to help you to build your own opinion on Open Access and the various publishing models.
Number of hours and planning: 1 hours
Period: 22 January 2025
Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc): in presence-at 10.00 a.m. at Aula Foscolo, Università di Pavia Strada Nuova 65
Evaluation criterial: none
Credits (CFU): 0,25
- Accreditamento 40° ciclo
- Bandi di concorso
- Certificati
- Corsi trasversali
- Domande frequenti (FAQ)
- Fonti normative
- Informazioni dottorandi
- Informazioni Coordinatori
- Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies (ISAGS)
- Internazionalizzazione
- Opportunità per imprese e finanziatori
- PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
- Scuola di Alta Formazione Dottorale (SAFD)
- Riconoscimento accademico dei titoli di Dottorato di Ricerca conseguiti all’estero