Professors involved: Anna Odone, Maddalena Gaeta, Paola Bertuccio, Giacomo Pietro Vigezzi, Giansanto Mosconi
Please note: the course will be held in italian
Student’s target:
The course is targeted to PhD students belonging to the Life Science research area
Course learning outcomes/abstract: Building on the success of last year edition, aim of the course is to provide the foundational theoretical knowledge and practical methodological skills for planning and conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The course is designed to support students in applying the skills and knowledge they will acquire to their research projects and fields of interest. It includes lectures and practical sessions on all phases of a systematic review and meta-analysis: defining the research question, drafting the protocol, systematic searching of sources, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracting data, assessing the quality of primary studies, performing qualitative synthesis and meta-analysis, and reporting. Throughout the course students will be guided in developing their own research project – with the aim of directing its publication on a peer-reviewed journal – and will have access to the resources of the University of Pavia, statistical software for meta-analyses and bibliography management. The course is suitable for all PhD students, medical residents, and research fellows who want to publish a systematic review out of their research work. It might also be suitable for university students preparing their thesis
Goals: At the end of the course, participants will be able to: Theoretical goals:
• Understand the principles and rationale for conducting systematic reviews (the course focuses on systematic reviews of quantitative studies, although many concepts taught are applicable to qualitative and mixed methods reviews) and how they can be applied to PhD candidates’ research activities
• Identify reliable data sources using a standardised search methodologies
• Apply efficient methods and technologies for reference and review management
• Critically appraise existing systematic reviews and describe methods to assess the risk of bias
• Interpret the results of systematic reviews and metanalyses
Practical goals:
• Manage the steps to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in order to conduct their own high-quality quantitative systematic reviews and meta-analyses:
1. Develop an answerable research question using the Participants Interventions Comparisons Outcomes (PICO) framework
2. Develop a search strategy to identify relevant studies for a specific review question and understand how to conduct a literature search on key bibliographic databases and grey literature
3. Draft a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol and register it on selected international databases (i.e., Prospero)
4. Apply inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify relevant studies
5. Develop a data extraction form and describe the process used to collect and extract data from reports of clinical trials or observational studies
6. Undertake risk of bias assessment of primary evidence using appropriate methods
7. Select appropriate methods of evidence synthesis and be able to describe and summarise key results
8. Understand potential sources of heterogeneity between included studies
9. Be familiar with good practice in reporting of systematic reviews
Number of hours and planning: 20 hours (+ individuals projects)
Period: from the 2nd of April 2025 (calendar)
Registration: – registration must be completed by 1 March 2025
Delivery mode and location ( in presence): Aula Master, 2nd floor, Istituto di Igiene, via Carlo Forlanini 2, Pavia
Language: Italian
Evaluation criterial: case studies
Credits (CFU): 5
- Accreditamento 40° ciclo
- Bandi di concorso
- Certificati
- Corsi trasversali
- Domande frequenti (FAQ)
- Fonti normative
- Informazioni dottorandi
- Informazioni Coordinatori
- Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies (ISAGS)
- Internazionalizzazione
- Opportunità per imprese e finanziatori
- PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
- Scuola di Alta Formazione Dottorale (SAFD)
- Riconoscimento accademico dei titoli di Dottorato di Ricerca conseguiti all’estero