Knowledge transfer: vision, enhancement and impact

Professor involved: Fulvia Caruso, Flavio Ceravolo, Michele Rostan, Lucia Marazzi, Massimo Vaira (Università di Pavia); Laura Leante, Durham University; Fiorenzo Omenetto, Tufts
University; Monia Anzivino, Università di Trento.

Course learning outcomes/abstract:The objective of the doctoral program Knowledge transfer: vision, enhancement and impact is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the geography of knowledge transfer practices. This will be achieved through an in-depth study of key topics, including:
a) the communication of science
b) public engagement and community engagement
c) the deontological and ethical responsibility of the scientific community and accountability
towards target publics
The School’s objective is to provide doctoral students from all research areas with the tools to design and implement projects that consider societal impact, a skill that is vital for their professional development.

Goals: The objective of the lectures is to give in-depth knowledge about all the aspects involved in knowledge transfer and its impact.

Number of hours and planning: 24 hours

Period: 3-6 June 2025 (starting in the afternoon of 3 June)

Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc): in presence  3-6 June 2025 (starting in the afternoon of 3 June) – Location to be confirmed
Financial support: The course is part of the Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies (ISAGS) project and therefore provides a financial contribution for participants to incentivize the attendance of doctoral students in presence, as follows: a reimbursement of 700 euros is envisaged for a maximum of 5 foreign students and up to 500 euros for Italian students living more than 50 km from Pavia, up to a maximum of 5.100 euros. For Italy-based applicants, priority will be given on the basis of distance.

Registration: write an email to

Language: english

Evaluation criteria: drafting of a short paper to design a strategy for the promotion or valorisation of one’s research work within the framework of the PhD programme

Credits (CFU): 6