The PhD program is organized in two curricula: (i) Civil Engineering and Architecture; (ii) Computational Mechanics. The first one is subdivided into 3 different tracks (Structures and Materials; Hydraulic, Environment and Energy Engineering; Building Engineering/Architecture).
A short description of each curriculum follows:
(i) Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Structures and Materials. Main topics: design, modeling, and simulation of typical problems of structural and materials engineering with special attention to the most modern applications like additive manufacturing.
- Hydraulic, Environment & Energy Engineering. Main topics: novel computational and design techniques for fluid mechanics, hydraulics, environmental engineering, and energy production.
- Building Engineering/Architecture. Main topics: Innovative design techniques and studies in the field of building engineering and architecture.
(ii) Computational Mechanics. Main topics: Modeling and simulation of structures and materials, fluids, interactions among these and with other interesting physical phenomena. The practical applications are various and range from Civil and Mechanical Engineering to Medicine, but always with a special attention in developing rigorous mathematical approaches.
- Accreditamento 39° ciclo
- Bandi di concorso
- Certificati
- Corsi trasversali
- Domande frequenti (FAQ)
- Fonti normative
- Informazioni dottorandi
- Informazioni Coordinatori
- Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies (ISAGS)
- Internazionalizzazione
- Opportunità per imprese e finanziatori
- PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
- Scuola di Alta Formazione Dottorale (SAFD)
- Riconoscimento accademico dei titoli di Dottorato di Ricerca conseguiti all’estero