Presentation Skills 2025

Professor involved: Proff. Alessandro Bacchetta, Davide Ferrari

Course learning outcomes/abstract: The course is organized in two parts. First part: Presentation Making. Choosing and organizing the contents of a presentation. Focusing on the goals. Paying attention to the audience. Designing the slides. Preparation of mini presentations by the students with feedback and discussion. Second part: Public Speaking Voice instruments and acquisition of voice awarness. Analysis and use of vocal variety. Relation between speaker, audience, and text. Importance of proxemics and eye contact. Audience awarness. Action space analysis.

Goals: The general aim of the Presentation Skills course is to give some tools to the PhD students to prepare effective scientific presentations

Number of hours and planning: 20 hours

Period: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., starting from Tuesday, 4 February

Please note: places are limited and in case of too many registrations, will be selected students who are unable to attend the course in any other way

Delivery mode and location: A101 e Aula Dottorato del Dipartimento di Fisica

Language: english

Registration: iscrizioni chiuse

Evaluation criterial: micropresentation by the students

Credits (CFU): 3
