Scientific resarch and the 3R’s principle

Proponent: UO del Centro 3R di UNIPV

Course learning outcomes/abstract: Educational objectives: the interdisciplinary course aims to provide knowledge on the topic of research within the 3Rs whose principles concern the ethical aspects of the use of animals in scientific experiments. The 3Rs are the initial letters of REDUCTION: reduction in the number of animals used for a specific study; REFINEMENT: improvement of experimental designs to reduce stress and suffering to animals; REPLACEMENT: replacement (even partial) of animal testing with alternative methods of comparable validity. These three words briefly describe the ethical principles that researchers should respect when undertaking animal experiments.

Goals: The course therefore aims to present the main innovative applications of research within the 3Rs in order to promote a responsible animal

Number of hours and planning: Total 18 hrs divided in 7 days with 2 hrs per each day

Period: from June 19th till June 28, 2023: 2 hr for each day

Registration form:

PhD courses involved: Accreditation of CFU for university doctorates of the Macroareas of Science and Technology, Life Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and of the IUSS doctorate of Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology

Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc): Mixed: both in presence and on line

Language: english

Evaluation criterial: Test with a multiple choice questions

Credits (CFU): 4,5 CFU


Programma del corso

link zoom per il collegamento