Professor involved: Dr.ssa Barbara Tarantino & Prof. Davide Gentilini
Course learning outcomes/abstract: Data management and analysis is one of the most important and most critical factors in many work areas; proprietary tools and software are often expensive or limited in their application. The course aims to provide participants with the necessary and sufficient knowledge to introduce and use the language and potential of R in their work. R can be defined as an environment for statistical analysis and at the same time a language and a software. It is a very powerful and widely used open source tool for statistical analysis of data, moreover, being a real programming language, it contains the potential to independently create and develop various applications useful for manipulation, management and analysis of any type of data. In fact, its main features include simplicity in data management and manipulation, the availability of a suite of tools for calculations on vectors, matrices and other complex operations, access to a vast set of integrated tools and functions developed by others and made available for statistical analysis, the production of numerous particularly flexible graphic potentials, the possibility of using a real object-oriented programming language that allows the use of conditional and cyclic structures, as well as functions created by the user.
Goals: Offering an elaborate introduction to programming with R, this course aims to intercept the needs of the participants by focusing in particular on some fundamental aspects such as data manipulation and management, their analysis through the identification of the most appropriate statistical test and the visualization of data and results using the graphic potential made available by R. The course involves the use of numerous “datasets” and examples that may be familiar to the various areas of interest in order to facilitate participants in understanding and applying the knowledge acquired.
Number of hours and planning: The course will last at least 20 hours (5 CFU), and will be divided into 5 meetings. Individual meetings can also be attended.
Period: The course period will be from 30 June to 4 July 2025 (summeR school). The calendar may be subject to change
Calendar: link
Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc): Online
Registratione form:
Language: english
Evaluation criterial: The degree of learning will be tested at the end of the course by subjecting the participants to a test. The verification test will consist of a dataset to
analyze and a series of questions related to the dataset to answer.
Credits (CFU): 5
- Accreditamento 40° ciclo
- Bandi di concorso
- Certificati
- Corsi trasversali
- Domande frequenti (FAQ)
- Fonti normative
- Informazioni dottorandi
- Informazioni Coordinatori
- Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies (ISAGS)
- Internazionalizzazione
- Opportunità per imprese e finanziatori
- PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
- Scuola di Alta Formazione Dottorale (SAFD)
- Riconoscimento accademico dei titoli di Dottorato di Ricerca conseguiti all’estero