Knowledge transfer: vision, enhancement and measurement

Professor involved: Michele Rostan; Flavio Ceravolo e Daniele Orzati; Lucia Marazzi; Monia Anzivino e Massimiliano Vaira; Paolo Mazzarello, Massimiliano Malgieri, Lidia Falomo; Fulvia Caruso

Course learning outcomes/abstract:provide doctoral students with a clear picture of the geography of third mission practices with an in-depth study of some key topics such as a) the communication of science, b) public engagement and community engagement, c) the deontological and ethical responsibility of the scientific community and accounting towards the target publics

Goals: enable doctoral students to acquire the ability to design and carry out third mission projects, which are crucial for their professional future

Number of hours and planning:20 hours divided into 6 meetings in total, 5 of 3h15′, one of 3h45.
First module – A geography of the third mission.
Lecturer: Michele Rostan Historical evolution of the concept in the international sphere and models practised in Italian legislation. Identification of the constituent elements of third mission activities and the involvement of academics in this kind of activity. Presentation of research results on the topic.

Second module – Epistemology of knowledge and models of responsible communication.
Lecturers: Flavio Ceravolo and Daniele Orzati (external expert in narrative models) What is scientific knowledge and how is it characterised in relation to other elements of human knowledge? How does the scientific community function? What are the essential elements of the rhetoric of science? The most common errors in the public representation of scientific knowledge. The most practised models of narrative communication in science dissemination and the most effective channels for different target audiences.

Third module – Technology transfer and the valorisation of research.
Lecturer: Lucia Marazzi Operational models and practices outside and inside the University of Pavia. Academic spin-offs.
Patenting and protection of research results. Project financing models for the valorisation of research results in all fields of scientific and academic knowledge. Ecosystems as a vision of a technology transfer model and of research-business relations: NODES as a concrete example.

Fourth module – Science and Democracy.
Lecturers: Monia Anzivino and Massimiliano Vaira The public repercussions of effective science communication and what are the risks in the absence of appropriate accounting towards the target audiences. The role of the scientist in everyday life as a disseminator for the lifelong learning of citizenship. The actors of the third mission: academics, institutions and private actors. The fiduciary models that allow the construction of third mission projects and the factors that, on the contrary, hinder their development. The valorisation of scientific research and cooperation with the productive world. Presentation of concrete cases based on the results of research carried out by CIRSIS on the subject in question.

Fifth module – The construction of museum models for science as a tool for scientific dissemination.
Lecturers: University Museum System (Paolo Mazzarello, Massimiliano Malgieri, Lidia Falomo) The account of science as a dynamic tool for public engagement and the new models of open education in the latest generation of museums. The production of knowledge as a public good available to the community.

Sixth module – Vision, valorisation, evaluation
Lecturers: Lucia Marazzi and Fulvia Caruso Presentation of successful cases identified in the selection of projects on the basis of the Anvur reports. The cases will intersect three different universities (including UNIPV), three disciplinary areas (medical and life sciences, physical sciences and tech, humanities, social sciences, economics and law), three different models of third mission: a) technology transfer, b) valorisation of research, c) public engagement and construction/conservation/dissemination of public cultural assets.

The last module will be held in Aula Scarpa. 

In the morning there will NOT be a live zoom, but only a video recording that will be available on google drive in the following days

Period: calendar and planning

i primi 4 moduli saranno tutti online nella stanza zoom:
Topic: Visione, valorizzazione e valutazione
Meeting ID: 828 7447 6198
Passcode: 073215
Gli ultimi due moduli, il 5 giugno, saranno in modalità mista. Al mattino Aula Golgi a Palazzo Botta (per chi non potrà esserci funzionerà il link zoom); al pomeriggio presso una sede che è in via di definizione


Delivery mode and location ( in presence, on line, ecc): blended

Language: english

Evaluation criterial: drafting of a short paper to design a strategy for the promotion or valorisation of one’s research work within the framework of the PhD programme

Credits (CFU): 3
